NAPA/CCP Indicators

Indicators measuring contribution of the CCP to the NAPA

Nepal’s National Adaptation Plan of Action (NAPA), released in 2010, outlines Nepal’s strategy for responding to climate change. The Nepal NAPA document contains 9 integrated priority climate change adaptation areas identified through a nationwide vulnerability assessment and extensive consultation process. The CCP projects are contributing to the achievement of the NAPA priorities.


The CCP RMF   establishes a process for using CCP project level indicators to measure the contribution of the CCP to achieving NAPA priorities. The seven projects of the CCP are collecting information for more than 60 separate indicators set at the output, outcome and impact levels. From this set of indicators, the CCP RMF selects a sub-set for which a causal link to the NAPA priorities can be established. The program level contribution of the CCP to the NAPA priorities is then established by aggregating all the project level contributions.


The selected indicator scores and combined contribution of the CCP to NAPA priorities are available from the NAPA/CCP indicator database.

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